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5 items

BCD Inflator Service

Service the BCD inflator hose to eliminate autofilling and sticking.

Service the BCD inflator hose to eliminate autofilling and sticking.


Cylinder Hydro

Scuba Cylinder Hydrostatic TestingIncludes the following Hydrostatic Test Visual Inspection Air...

Scuba Cylinder Hydrostatic TestingIncludes the following Hydrostatic Test Visual Inspection Air Fill Paintball cylinders do not require the Visual Inspection

$50.00 $65.00

Eddy Current Test

Eddy Current Test

Eddy Current Test


Pre-Dive Check

Check for leaking, corrosion and test the IP to make sure all is good for your next dive.

Check for leaking, corrosion and test the IP to make sure all is good for your next dive.


Regulator Service - Full Set

Regulator Service Full - includes replacement of all internal parts provided in standard manufact...

Regulator Service Full - includes replacement of all internal parts provided in standard manufacturer service kits as well as testing for IP and leaking.

$20.00 $100.00